Discover the Magic of gimmefy for TikTok Marketing

Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of marketing where ideas breed faster than rabbits in…

Jack’s Quest: LA Launch Prep with LinkedIn InMail

Licks & Rubs are coming to LA, and Jack is laying out the groundwork— starting…

Jack’s Quest: Captivating Consumers in E-Commerce with SEO

Oh no! Licks and Rubs' online sales are stagnating, and Jack needs to find out…

Jack’s Quest: Boosting Website Visibility!

Website traffic is going down, and Jack's looking for a way to increase Licks &…

Discover the Power of Text-to-Image AI with gimmefy

Welcome to an era where artificial intelligence (AI) has a significant influence on the marketing…

Chatting Your Way to Success: gimmefy’s AI Chat Assistants

Globally, brands are swiftly adopting AI to streamline processes, save time, and maximise ROAS (return…

The Future of Facebook Marketing: A Guide to gimmefy’s AI-Powered Tools

As we continue the march into the digital era, artificial intelligence is permeating multiple sectors;…

Jack’s Quest: Mastering Captions for Irresistible Products

It was time to take Lick & Rubs to a new frontier— in E-commerce! As…

Jack’s Quest: Video Concept for International Pet Day!

Jack & team are planning to celebrate International Pet Day, but they can't figure out…

Jack’s Quest: Video Scripting for Animation

Licks & Rubs are planning an animated commercial, but they need a video script— and quick!…