Jack’s Quest: Crisis to Creativity with the Social Media Content Calendar Creator

The Social Media Manager is out sick, and their crucial Instagram posts are stuck on her laptop!

Cattie Collins, Social Media Manager at Licks & Rubs was last seen the previous day with a suspicious case of fever and the sniffles. After being sent home, no one at Licks & Rubs has been able to get in touch with her all morning!

Knowing how bad the flu can get you down, Jack knows he can’t afford to miss a beat. In this moment of crisis, he turns to the Social Media Content Calendar task on gimmefy for a lifesaving solution for this week’s Instagram posts.

He’s also planning to send an intern, along with a fruit basket.

Here are the posts gimmefy generated and the brief

Let’s see how he did it while arranging the fruit basket

Jack Pawer, a pet-lover, CEO, fitness enthusiast, and the occasional fruit basket arranger, has set his sights on this week’s posts.

After ordering the fruits and basket online, Jack turns to the Social Media Content Calendar task on gimmefy.

While waiting for the delivery, Jack takes his time to fill in the brief, dedicating a few moments to using the intuitive and user-friendly interface of gimmefy.

Using gimmefy’s AI magic, Jack effortlessly generates this week’s Instagram posts before the delivery is even on the way!

Jack looks through the created posts, and now he has to make a decision. Leveraging the platform’s features, he can generate more posts, make refinements, or fine-tune the brief until he discovers the right posts he needs for the week.

On to making visual magic

Now Jack turns to Snap Sarah, one of the 6 AI Marketing Assistants (AMA) on gimmefy. Snap Sarah is specifically designed to generate images… in a snap.

Jack reads the recommended images from the Social Media Content Calendar results and he puts Sarah to task.

Tips & Tricks

  1. Keep It Concise: Press releases should be brief and to the point. Stick to the most crucial information and avoid unnecessary fluff.
  2. Include Quotes: Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders, such as the CEO or relevant experts, to add credibility and a human touch to your release.
  3. Provide Contact Information: Include contact details for media inquiries to make it easy for journalists to reach out for further information.

These are just some of the features that we’ve taken care of for you in our Press Release Maker brief. Take note to provide the accurate information and we’ll take care of the rest for you.

Here’s a bonus walkthrough on Supercharging Your Instagram Content

Join Jack’s Quest

Are you ready to unlock your marketing potential? Follow in the pawsteps of Jack Pawer and countless other marketers who harness the power of gimmefy for their business needs.

Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools necessary to conquer the marketing world, one post at a time.

Ready to embark on your own marketing quest? Experience the power of gimmefy for free! Sign up today and receive 50 complimentary credits. No payment terms or automatic subscriptions required.


The text and images on this blog were almost entirely generated by gimmefy. 

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