Jack’s Quest: LA Launch Prep with LinkedIn InMail

Licks & Rubs are coming to LA, and Jack is laying out the groundwork— starting with LinkedIn!

The City of Angels is about to witness the grand arrival of Licks & Rubs, an exciting new venture spearheaded by none other than Jack Pawer, the visionary CEO. As the company prepares for its highly anticipated launch in Los Angeles, Jack is keenly aware that establishing a strong presence is essential to gaining traction and connecting with potential customers and business partners alike.

Determined to make his mark in the bustling industry hub, Jack strategically turns to LinkedIn, recognizing its power as a professional networking platform. With the goal of reaching out effectively and leaving a lasting impression, he enlists the help of gimmefy’s LinkedIn InMail creator.

This powerful tool serves as Jack’s secret weapon, empowering him to craft engaging and compelling messages tailored to capture the attention of his target audience.

Here are the message ideas gimmefy generated and the brief


Making magic

With gimmefy’s LinkedIn Message creator in his arsenal, Jack dives into the realm of idea generation. In a swift and seamless motion, he inputs crucial details such as the objective, unique selling points of the product, and the subscription model.

In a matter of moments, the AI-powered tool springs to life, igniting a torrent of creative and engaging LinkedIn messages that are perfectly customized to resonate with professionals on LinkedIn.


Fine-tuning for success

The LinkedIn messages generated inspire him to create captivating messages that deeply resonate with his intended audience. With gimmefy’s guidance, Jack ensures that every InMail exudes authenticity, professionalism, and unwavering conviction.

Armed with perfectly crafted InMails generated by gimmefy, Jack sets off on a unique outreach campaign. His messages act as welcoming invitations, reaching out to industry professionals, potential customers, and valuable business partners alike.


1-Click from idea to post

With just a click, Jack effortlessly converts his LinkedIn message ideas into captivating outreach using gimmefy’s streamlined 1-Click feature.

Now equipped with ready-to-go LinkedIn posts featuring images, videos, or interactive polls, Jack has laid a strong foundation for his upcoming LA launch.

This groundwork instills him with confidence, propelling him forward knowing that he has a solid starting point.


Tips & Tricks

  1. Review the generated InMail message and personalise it further based on the recipient’s LinkedIn profile and interests. Tailor certain sections like greetings, introductions, and call-to-action statements to establish a connection and evoke a response from your target audience.
  2. Before sending out your InMail, thoroughly proofread the content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and proper grammar. Double-check all hyperlinks, attachments, or any other elements included in your message. Make any necessary revisions or improvements based on feedback from colleagues or beta users.
  3. Send your InMail message to the intended recipients through LinkedIn’s messaging system. Keep track of its performance by monitoring open rates, response rates, and engagement metrics. Follow up with personalised messages or additional communication based on their reactions or interactions.

Remember to continuously assess and refine your approach based on recipient responses and market trends. LinkedIn is a dynamic platform, so adaptability and ongoing improvement are key to maximising its potential for business success.


Join Jack’s Quest

Jack and his team remain steadfast on their marketing journey, empowered by the innovative tools provided by gimmefy. The LinkedIn Message Creator emerges as a valuable asset in their quest to capture the market for Licks & Rubs, showcasing the AI-powered prowess that propels them towards new horizons of success.

Ready to embark on your own marketing quest? Experience the power of gimmefy for free! Sign up today and receive 50 complimentary credits. No payment terms or automatic subscriptions required.


The text and images on this blog were almost entirely generated by gimmefy. 

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