Mad Machines: Exploring the Power of AI Tools in a #WORLDWITHOUTNATURE

Welcome to another entry of "Mad Machines", where we shine our spotlight on astonishing AI…

Jack’s Quest: Boosting Website Visibility!

Website traffic is going down, and Jack's looking for a way to increase Licks &…

Jack’s Quest: Mastering Captions for Irresistible Products

It was time to take Lick & Rubs to a new frontier— in E-commerce! As…

Jack’s Quest: Video Concept for International Pet Day!

Jack & team are planning to celebrate International Pet Day, but they can't figure out…

Jack’s Quest: Video Scripting for Animation

Licks & Rubs are planning an animated commercial, but they need a video script— and quick!…

Jack’s Quest: Breaking Language Barriers in Europe!

Jack just had a brilliant idea: What if Lick & Rubs expanded into Europe? Sometimes,…

Meet Critical Chris: Your Acute Analytical AI Marketing Assistant

Are you tired of sifting through countless drafts and spending hours analysing content? Say hello…

Meet the AMA Personalities: Your Expert Marketing Companions

Welcome to the world of AMA (AI Marketing Assistant), your trusted companion on the gimmefy…

Jack’s Quest: Ideating the Perfect 2nd Anniversary Campaign

The Campaign Ideator has come up with three amazing ideas for Licks & Rub's anniversary…