Mad Machines: Exploring the AI Brilliance in Samsung’s Galaxy S24

In today's digital age, our relationship with technology has magnified exponentially. This connection is specifically…

Mad Machines: A Dive into AI Brilliance with Jennifer Lopez and Virgin Voyages

As we journey deeper into the land of "Mad Machines," we find ourselves aboard a…

Mad Machines: Embracing the Future with EY’s AI-driven “Face of the Future” Campaign

As soon as I heard about Ernst & Young’s (EY) new campaign, "The Face of…

Mad Machines: Sephora’s Chatbot: A Beauty in AI Marketing Innovation

As marketers, isn't it swell we get to live through an era where "Mad Machines"…

Mad Machines: Heinz Ketchup AI Campaign

Overview As a tried-and-tested marketer, I'm no stranger to pushing boundaries. But when our friends…

Meet the AMA Personalities: Your Expert Marketing Companions

Welcome to the world of AMA (AI Marketing Assistant), your trusted companion on the gimmefy…